
The Benefits of Daily Practice

One concept that is consistent across all the members of the studio, regardless of experience level is this concept: daily practicing yields significant improvement over time. The longer the period of time, the larger the increase in improvement. This is an observation from decades of my own musical journey as well as the instruction of others.

Different students of course have different goals. Perhaps the student is just getting started, or perhaps they are playing at a proficient level and are preparing for an audition for a high school or university level ensemble. Both of the situation require different levels of input. But the concept remains the same.

For the beginner student, perhaps five to ten minutes a day is advisable in order for the student to feel comfortable with the drumsticks in his or her hands to gain basic functionality in terms of approaching the instrument.

For the advanced student, preparing for a university school of music audition, perhaps a practice plan that occupies three or four hours a day is advisable. Again, each situation is unique and that is one of the benefits of studying percussion here at groove - custom tailored advice on practice habits.

Suggested reading on this point is here from the Association of Psychological Science: Deliberate Practice and Performance in Music, Games, Sports, Education, and Professions: A Meta-Analysis

Calling All Friends of Groove: Our Year End Fundraising Campaign

This last year, the studio provided free after school programming to middle school students in collaboration with After the Bell and also produced a live performance event at no cost to the students. In order to expand the studio’s low-cost or no-cost programming for middle and high school students in 2022, please consider making a tax deductible donation to the studio.

Are you a Friend of Groove? Consider making a tax-deductible donation though our Fractured Atlas site, and check out the thank you gifts!

$50 - an acknowledgement on social media and a listing on our website on the Friends of Groove page;

$100 - everything above plus a new hand drawn logo tee;

$250 - everything above plus a groovePAD;

$1000 - everything above plus a 90 minute private house concert by Bryan’s jazz trio at a mutually agreed time.

Improvisational Exercise, long form

Routine in our practice is a valuable thing. There is value in staying organized and focused in our quest to improve. However, too much routine can be detrimental to your growth as a drumset artist. This is an example of a long form improvisational exercise that I use with my students - I'll hold down a pattern (this one happens to be in 12/8), and the student's job is to not think - just create. It takes some time to free oneself from your own headspace. I recommend trying this for at least 15 - 20 minutes. Once you can spend a hour continuously in this headspace, some interesting things can result.

In this video, David Robinson comes up with some interesting ideas over the 12/8. Spend some time with this video and you will see what I mean.

If you are interested in studying with me, please click here.

New Video Lesson: 7/8 Punctuation

This is an exercise in 7/8 time signature that is designed to build dexterity in both hands, and enhance the ability to create some interesting “big endings” using a rudimentary base and some advanced hand speed. As with everything, start this slowly and build your speed up until you can play this with some fluidity. Good luck!

Jazz Trio Workshop Spotlight: Alex Zurl

The next spotlight from our recent Jazz Trio Workshop is on Alex Zurl.

Earlier this month, I brought in two professionals: Jeff Knoettner (Piano) and Rob Swanson (Bass) to perform with some of the studio's members. Total immersion in playing at a professional level - there is no way to simulate it - so we learn by DOING. Education by action.

Here, Alex Zurl performs the classic "My Girl", staying deep in the pocket and serving the song.

Jazz Trio Workshop Spotlight: David Robinson

Here at the studio we strive to prepare our members to perform at a high level. Earlier this month, I brought in two professionals: Jeff Knoettner (Piano) and Rob Swanson (Bass) to perform with some of the studio's members. Total immersion in playing at a professional level - there is no way to simulate it - so we learn by DOING. Education by action.

Here, David Robinson performs the standard "Autumn Leaves", playing some tasteful brush work on the front of the piece.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos from our other members coming soon…