
Audition Prep @ groove; My Favorite Kind of Email

One of the key services the studio provides is audition prep. It could be for your student’s school band, for district or regional orchestra or band, college or university music school, or marching percussion at the DCA, WGI or DCI level. It is all about preparation and hard work.

Below is a screen shot of one of my favorite kinds of emails:

Preparation and hard work does indeed pay off.

Improvising in Your Practice

Routine is important, particularly when you are warming up. Routine gives you a benchmark by which you can judge your progress. For example, if you play the same flam progression warmups everyday with a metronome, over time you will notice that you can play those progressions faster with good quality.

However, it is also extremely important to improvise or freeform during your practice. For example, yesterday I wanted to work on dexterity and sound quality moving around the toms. I didn’t have any preplanned patterns that I was going to work on, I just sat down and whatever came out of my hands was what it was. Very liberating, and it injects some freshness to your practice routines that will benefit you down the road.